
Cities become meaningful with the relationship and interaction between the natural, social and built environment. Cities should be studied as social and biophysical phenomena. Like other complex formations, cities have generalizable and definable functions and processes. Green areas, on the other hand, play an important role in quality life with their ecological, economic, physical, social and aesthetic functions. Open and green space systems in cities also contribute to urbanization by creating more livable environments. open-green space systems; greenbelts are designed to preserve a compact urban form. The main goals of green belts are to protect water resources and biological life, and to increase recreational opportunities. The ecological and holistic planning approach ensures the continuity and accessibility of open spaces at the highest level. Green belts take different forms according to the purposes they serve. Green belt planning has gained importance especially in order to control the spread of cities. It is necessary to deal with the green wedge and green corridors in a landscape-planning-design relationship in order to keep the growth of the city under control and to ensure high accessibility of the green belt with the city center. For this purpose, the interconnection of green elements within the whole of the city should be revealed in terms of planning and design relations. The relationship between green belt and urban open green space should be evaluated on the regional and city scales and evaluated in the form of the city. In this study, the concept of green belt among the green field systems is explained. Green belt application examples in European cities were evaluated by giving examples.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Urban Open Green Space, Green Belt, Landscape Design